Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Glimps Into Our Colorful Life!

Some Pictures To Share

Grandpa loves his Smirnoffs. Yesterday, we made a trip to the store specifically to get some of "my drinks". I don't know why he calls them my drinks, he drinks more of them than me ;)Raspberry Burst--it's our favorite flavor.

I swear, I can get him to put anything on his head and it makes my day!!!

Grandpa wearing a party hat I made, some sunglasses he got after eye surgery and a track suit! AWESOME!

So cool in his shades!
While uploading the Smirnoff picture, I came across this picture. PRICELESS. Note his hat. My grandpa is more gangster then your grandpa :) :) 
Having fun with grandpa!
Grandpa pretending to be Sacajawea :) haha...or he was just cold...either way...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Something About A Goat

It was REALLY REALLY hot outside today. Over 90 degrees.
My boyfriend walks in the house.

Grandpa:     Hey Mike! How ya doin!
Mike:          Goood.
Grandpa:    It's hotter than a two peckered goat out there!
Me:            What?!
Grandpa:    We'll, I've never seen one but, I'd bet it's pretty hot.

I guess that's probably true....I guess. Hahaha...??

Getting Ready

It is over 90 degrees outside.
Pictured is my grandpa putting on a sweater, coat and a hat.
Me: Are you going outside in that grandpa!?
Grandpa: No, I'm going downstairs, it's freezing down there.


Friday, May 27, 2011


Don Andrew is a very complex person, who has played many roles in his life. Son, husband, father, uncle, cousin and of course GRANDPA, to three very lucky girls, myself and my two younger sisters. I'm not sure why I am so close to him, I'm told by old ladies all of the time just how "sweet" I am for spending so much time with my grandpa and how "very lucky he is" to have me. Honestly though, I am the lucky one because my grandpa is my best friend, playing a role that really only a grandpa can. 

It is a very special circumstance to have a best friend who is 57 years your senior. This blog is mostly about the HILARIOUS things that my grandpa says however, the wisdom I have access to is awfully handy. When I first entered college at ISU in 2006, before phones had search engines on them, my grandpa was our Google. All of my friends called him "All-Knowing-Grandfather", and he is who we called when we had a question, or got lost. Now, I use him for questions that Google just can't answers. Gasp! Yes, there are still questions like those. And mostly for entertainment purposes.

I have spent A LOT of time with my grandpa, especially over the last five years as his health has slightly fluttered up and down. Up to this very day, just when I think I've heard every joke, every little saying -- he blurts one out of thin air, they just don't stop. I need some place to put these and while I thought to write them down to myself, I thought, they are too hilarious to keep all to myself. I spend half my time talking to my boyfriend, my friends and my sisters about "what grandpa said today" anyway so why not throw it all out there for everyone to enjoy! 

For my first post I will share just a short one-liner that my grandpa pulled out of nowhere one afternoon.

We were driving on the interstate. I'm not sure if it is important to explain that my grandpa has a hard time adhering to the speed limits but, he does, so I am sometimes nervous in the passengers seat, especially on the interstate. As we are driving right along a giant bug hits the windshield. SMUSH! SPLATTER! ewwww... and my grandpa: "Well! I bet he won't have the guts to do that again."
